Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The perfect mommy job

I found it! The perfect mommy job- and OK, it's gonna sound cliche, but I don't care.

I work while holding or feeding or playing with Jaden. Or, I can choose to get a babysitter for a couple hours. Ya know, if I need a break.

I work 4-6 hours per week- if I want to

If I don't work hard at all, I make a little money
If I kinda work hard but not really, I make a little more money
If I work not that hard but continuously, I make a lot of money!

Right now, since Jaden is a baby and requires more time, I usually work kind of hard, but not really. It's not enough to support a family, but I know I have the potential to make it that way when Jaden and I are ready.

I work with a bunch of wonderful women who ALL want to see me succeed, and have bent over backwards to make sure I do! They give me advice, encouragement, friendship, a shoulder to cry on, high-fives, hugs, and most importantly PRIZES when I do well... or when I TRY to do well!

I know some women who've taken this route unsuccessfully- and that's OK, it's not for everyone. And I've known some women who've assumed it was a "get rich quick" scheme.... they are always unsuccessful, and that's OK too... again- not for everyone.

But for those mom's who want to spend more time with their kids, who are willing to learn, and who are willing to try new things... Mary Kay is the perfect job. And I wish I could thank her in person for creating this opportunity for me. I love what I do, and when i'm tired I take a break. When I'm on fire, I get a sitter.

But, I've never had to put my family or my integrity or my life behind my career. And that is AWESOME!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Jaden's Birthday!

It has really been a while since I've been on here! Sorry followers! I got stuck in the netflix! Ya know, the 1 hour of peace mom's get after the baby goes down and before she swoops through her entire house to clean it.... I've been filling mine with netflix!

But enough is enough! I need to blog and work on my books and my quilt (learning to quilt) and study random subjects so I don't go senile! Right now I'm learning about the cosmos.... holy crap it's Amazing!

I haven't gotten 10 month old Jaden to sleep through the night yet, but we have made significant progress in the last week!! He's up to about 5 hours of sleeping followed by 1 hour of screaming then 4 more hours of sleeping. 

I'm planning his birthday party!! Here are my ideas:
1. Hawaiian BBQ with terry-burgers and coconuty drinks
2. Bruce Lee party with chinese food and pretty paper lanterns
3. comic book hero party fun finger foods and with dads and grandpas     dressed up
4. All american party with flag cake and burgers and hot dogs and fireworks (its the 4th of July).

Yall vote! or let me know your idea!!

Friday, December 28, 2012



At exactly 5 months and 24 days Jaden said his first word!!!

Chris (my husband) and our friends Maureen and Rickey were sitting around the dinner table after my disastrous attempt at a chicken marsala (Betty Crocker you LIED!!!). I had Jaden in my lap standing on my legs facing me. He put his arms around my neck and said, "Mama." Then he looked over at Chris surprised that the word he was thinking actually came out of his mouth! I said, "Did he really just say MAMA? Everyone agreed (or said they agreed lol) that he did indeed say it, and that it was on purpose! My little baby boy is growing up so fast! 

Yesterday he sat up at his new toy that his Aunt Crystal got him by him self for about 10 minutes! Pretty soon he's gonna be crawling, then walking, then graduating high school!!! 

I love you little boy!! Thanks for saying mama first and have sweet dreams... maybe you'll say it again tomorrow!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

working mom?

I'm so tired, but I'm staying up anyway because I've just applied to a job that may actually be worth doing. Lead park ranger. But I'm feeling conflicted about leaving Jaden at a Daycare. I know he will be totally fine, but I waited so long to have a kid so that I could stay home with him! I would miss him so much!! I don't know how you working moms do it! how do you have time to take care of your house? I barely have time now, and I stay home! I guess I could hire someone... but then why not just do it myself and not work?? But I would get quite a pay raise (ya know because now I make notta lol).

Even with all of this doubt, I still feel excited about the prospect! I guess either way (whether I get the job or not) I'll have a win.

If I get it yay,
If not, yay!

If you are a working mom- how do you do it?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Hey new moms!
I've been out of internet for about a month! But now I'm back with all kinds of new mommy info to share with you!

Some products look so great on the shelf at Babies r us that you just GOTTA HAVE IT! But then you get home and it's like... what the heck did I buy this for?

And sometimes there are 50 brands of the same product, and you have to buy 10 of them before you find a good one! 

That's what this blog is about.

I had help creating it unknowingly from my cousin Katie Pynn! Thanks Katie! I value her opinion as a top notch mommy, and have never been let down.

Product 1: CARSEATS
The best I've tried is the Eddie Bauer. Katie's pick is the Britax. Both have deep seats and relatively easy buckles. Both make you feel like your little one is safely snug. Jaden used to cry and cry when I put him in the car. When I finally installed his Eddie Bauer- the crying stopped- thank goodness! A little cushion goes a long way!

Product 2: CARRIERS
First, I tried the Moby. It was great for Jaden when he was up to about a month old, then he was too big for it. I also needed to practice using it while I was pregnant. They seem quite complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it- they are fine.
Next I tried a variety of baby book bags and banana slings all of which gave me a back ache. UGH! But, Katie mentioned the Boba, and boom, here's a carrier made by someone who has actually carried a kid (I'm assuming). There's also the ERGObaby carrier- similar to the boba. Supposedly, the ERGObaby is uncomfortable for petite moms like me, but great for everyone else. Boba's are just like magic! You can carry your giant babies around all day in these and your back is fine. LOVE THEM!

Product 3: BOTTLES
I haven't tried a bottle I didn't like. So far, my favorite is the Playtex vent air with the angled head. AWESOME!

Product 4: PUMP
Um, I haven't found a good one yet- can someone PLEASE suggest one!!! I've been using my hand, and my hand is tired!

Product 5: FORMULA
Don't use it... sorry. But I've heard that good start is the best. Thanks Angel- I trust her top notch mommyness as well.

Summer infant. Awesome products... I have been happy with everything I've bought from them.

Product 7: SUNSCREEN
California baby.

Product 8: BABY WASH
I tried EVERY kind in life, and my favorite is also the cheapest! Don't ya just love it when that happens. It's baby magic night time lavender and chamomile body and hair wash. It's wonderful.

Product 9: DIAPERS
I use cloth diapers, and I like gdiapers, another product that Katie told me about, though I didn't use them until my friend (another top notch mommy) Angela showed me how in person. I'm the kind of person who needs to see it!

I need a tenth product because 9 is just weird. Also, spelling the word weird is weird. Isn't it I before E except after C? I guess there's more to that rule than we know! Wow, I'm tired. If you know of an excellent baby product that you LOVE, comment on here so I can LOVE it too! 

Bye y'all :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Savvy or Trendy or Earthy

Hey there new moms! What type of Gmom are you?

The way I see it, there are three different types of gdiapers moms. 

There's the Savvy Saver Gmom, the Trendy Gmom, and the Earthy Gmom

The Savvy Saver Gmom uses gdiapers strictly to save MONEY. She buys the bundle pack of green and orange diapers, no other colors. She's not in it for the color. She then buys several packs of reusable cloth inserts, and she's done. No biodegradable liners or cloth liners for her. She spends about $150 up front and that's that! In the end, she'll spend several hundred dollars less than if she used traditional diapers. She saves a bundle with her bundle of joy!

The Trendy City Gmom is in it for the cute bottom! Those diapers look so cute on our little baby's bottoms, she wants one or two or three in every color and every seasonal special. She uses biodegradable inserts because, even though they are pricey- she can just flush them down the toilet or throw them in the trash (diaper waste guilt free). Sooo easy! She also buys cloth inserts- just to see how they work. She matches her diapers with her baby's outfit so that just a hint of red diaper sticks out of a black onsie... as an example... if she were a GA fan... She easily spends $300 on every color cloth cover and about $50 a month for the biodegradable refills. Probably more than traditional diapers- but SO MUCH CUTER!

Finally, there's the Earthy Princess Gmom. She is the kind of mom who gives her kid the best of everything, but in a practical way. She buys a reasonable amount of colors- enough to match them with the baby clothes, but not every seasonal blue or red, or green shade available... maybe just one. She uses cloth inserts during the day because they are very absorbent and comfortable on her little prince or princess' hiney. And she uses biodegradable inserts at night, because they can hold a pound of pee, and don't need to be changed very often. She spends about $150 up front and an extra $50 every 3-4 months on more biodegradable refills. With her Savvy/Trendy combo lifestyle, she can spend about the same amount as she would on regular diapers, AND have a cute, stylish baby!

Which Gmom are you?

(I'm the Earthy princess Gmom)

Good night new moms!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Pit Bulls and Babies

I have a pit bull. That's right... and a baby.

I heard quite a bit of negative info on pit bulls while I was pregnant... stories about pit bulls eating baby's legs or babies getting into the neighbor's yard, and eaten by a pit bull. But I believe that whether or not any dog eats any baby has to do with 1. doggie training AND 2. parental supervision

Lucy, my pit bull knows how to sit, stay, wait, rollover, show me her belly, be gentle, kennel up, shake, high-five, and stay in the yard. But she also knows that she's allowed to jump on daddy but not mommy. She knows that she's not allowed on the bed. She knows not to bother mommy when I'm changing a diaper...

She knows these things because I took the time to teach her each individual trick- one at a time- mostly before the baby came. Each trick took a few days with practice several times a day, and the attention I gave her ultimately made her pay more attention to me.

She knows she's loved.. and she knows that breaking any rules will result in my giving her a dirty look.. and then ignoring her. AND THAT'S IT. I never hit her because... remember when you were a kid and your parents spanked you and you just decided then and there to be bad because getting spanked sucks? Well, that's how these dogs respond to violence.

I don't spank her, I don't let her walk first through doorways, I don't let her start eating before I've finished pouring her doggie food, I don't knee her in the chest when she jumps (or I didn't when she jumped--common pit bull practice), I don't ever let her win tug of war, I don't do these things because I want her to know that I am a fair and practical boss who loves her but will discipline her if necessary. And I'm not to be crossed.

So far it's working.

This is mostly common sense but hey- apparently not for some. The dog is NOT a babysitter. I never leave my baby alone in a room with the dog- not for 1 second- not ever.

And I never leave my baby unattended (like in the crib, or his spinny bug thing, or his baby gym) when the dog is able to get to her. If I need to cook or something, the dog goes outside or in her kennel.

We do have doggie baby play time where Lucy licks Jaden's toes or hands or cheeks once or twice. Then we tell her she's a good doggie for being gentle, let Jaden touch her head, and that's the end of doggie baby play time.

So... fellow moms and moms to be, if you have a pit bull, take the time to train her well and remember that even if she's the sweetest dog in the world- her claws and teeth are sharp and accidents happen. AND be careful!!