Saturday, December 22, 2012

working mom?

I'm so tired, but I'm staying up anyway because I've just applied to a job that may actually be worth doing. Lead park ranger. But I'm feeling conflicted about leaving Jaden at a Daycare. I know he will be totally fine, but I waited so long to have a kid so that I could stay home with him! I would miss him so much!! I don't know how you working moms do it! how do you have time to take care of your house? I barely have time now, and I stay home! I guess I could hire someone... but then why not just do it myself and not work?? But I would get quite a pay raise (ya know because now I make notta lol).

Even with all of this doubt, I still feel excited about the prospect! I guess either way (whether I get the job or not) I'll have a win.

If I get it yay,
If not, yay!

If you are a working mom- how do you do it?

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