Monday, October 29, 2012

Pit Bulls and Babies

I have a pit bull. That's right... and a baby.

I heard quite a bit of negative info on pit bulls while I was pregnant... stories about pit bulls eating baby's legs or babies getting into the neighbor's yard, and eaten by a pit bull. But I believe that whether or not any dog eats any baby has to do with 1. doggie training AND 2. parental supervision

Lucy, my pit bull knows how to sit, stay, wait, rollover, show me her belly, be gentle, kennel up, shake, high-five, and stay in the yard. But she also knows that she's allowed to jump on daddy but not mommy. She knows that she's not allowed on the bed. She knows not to bother mommy when I'm changing a diaper...

She knows these things because I took the time to teach her each individual trick- one at a time- mostly before the baby came. Each trick took a few days with practice several times a day, and the attention I gave her ultimately made her pay more attention to me.

She knows she's loved.. and she knows that breaking any rules will result in my giving her a dirty look.. and then ignoring her. AND THAT'S IT. I never hit her because... remember when you were a kid and your parents spanked you and you just decided then and there to be bad because getting spanked sucks? Well, that's how these dogs respond to violence.

I don't spank her, I don't let her walk first through doorways, I don't let her start eating before I've finished pouring her doggie food, I don't knee her in the chest when she jumps (or I didn't when she jumped--common pit bull practice), I don't ever let her win tug of war, I don't do these things because I want her to know that I am a fair and practical boss who loves her but will discipline her if necessary. And I'm not to be crossed.

So far it's working.

This is mostly common sense but hey- apparently not for some. The dog is NOT a babysitter. I never leave my baby alone in a room with the dog- not for 1 second- not ever.

And I never leave my baby unattended (like in the crib, or his spinny bug thing, or his baby gym) when the dog is able to get to her. If I need to cook or something, the dog goes outside or in her kennel.

We do have doggie baby play time where Lucy licks Jaden's toes or hands or cheeks once or twice. Then we tell her she's a good doggie for being gentle, let Jaden touch her head, and that's the end of doggie baby play time.

So... fellow moms and moms to be, if you have a pit bull, take the time to train her well and remember that even if she's the sweetest dog in the world- her claws and teeth are sharp and accidents happen. AND be careful!!

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